COVID-19 has created significant business disruptions worldwide, and has owners and operators wondering what steps to take to ensure occupant safety going forward. Beyond just cleaning out HVAC/R systems, advanced bi-polar ionization surface and air purification systems are the modern technology facilities should consider installing to ensure their building provides a healthy environment.

Research proves that surface and air purification technology implemented directly into a building’s HVAC system can significantly reduce harmful bacteria and viruses in the air.


  1. Significantly reduces dangerous bacteria and virus including human coronavirus, norovirus, staph, MRSA, E.Coli, clostridium difficile (C.DIFF), tuberculosis (TB), airborne mold spores and legionella pneumophilia.
  2. Does not produce detectable Ozone*, or volitile organic chemicals (VOCs). There is no catalytic process. *UL 2998 recommends Ozone levels of less than .005 PPM. Insure all air-cleansing technologies carry the UL label. 
  3. No replacements parts and minimal maintenance. Self-cleaning systems are an option.
  4. System lifespan is up to 20 years with continual use and includes a 1-year warranty period.
  5. Universal voltage applicable to all systems.
  6. Tackles odors, particulates and static electricity in living spaces.

It is not a matter of if this technology will become a building code requirement, but when. Stay ahead of future interruptions to your business by installing a trusted purification system now.

RK Service highly recommends a bi-polar purification system install in all facilities. Our evaluation and three-step systems approach gives owners and operators the confidence they need to welcome occupants back into their buildings. Contact us to learn more.

Each new year brings predictions about trends that may impact the construction industry. 2020 appears to  be hyper-focused on the health and well-being of employees. The current labor shortage has highlighted the need for a  more strategic approach to worker’s safety, health and wellness, and innovative technology that will change the approach of the normal work-day for the better. Let’s explore some of the trends that are predicted to impact our workforce and worksites in 2020.

Offsite Solutions are the New Standard
To control costs, create  faster speed-to-market, and incorporate better consistency and quality,  companies have been choosing offsite manufacturing and modular solutions. These approaches have grown in popularity over the past decade and are more in demand than ever.  The healthcare and apartment industries have seen projects built faster than ever with much of the construction happening offsite in a controlled manufacturing environment that eliminates surprises and mitigates risk. The demand will continue to grow for offsite and modular solutions in 2020.

State-Of-The-Art Safety Equipment
Safety is the cornerstone of the construction industry, requiring top-of-the-line safety equipment, which is ever evolving. In 2020, one of the most intriguing new gadgets to hit the market are exoskeletons. These wearable machines have motorized joints which decrease laborer injury while allowing them to safely carry more weight. Another exciting tool recently released is “smart” work boots. These seemingly regular boots connect to Wi-Fi and send GPS coordinates to alert supervisors if their employees are exhausted or have fallen. We’re excited to see what other technological advances this year will bring our way.

Incorporation of New Technology
The incorporation of technology doesn’t mean the need for skilled laborers will decrease. In fact, introducing new technology into the construction industry is only meant to streamline current work practices. With the introduction of  3-D printing, mobile and cloud applications, drones, and advanced BIM technology, individuals can now work more efficiently, save costs, and help projects run more efficiently. Part of the increase in the interest in new technology stems from the demographical change in workforce. The construction industry is seeing an increase in aging workers retiring, so the focus has shifted to a younger workforce who may be less knowledgable, and greatly benefit from the help of newly released tech tools.

New Health and Wellness Initiatives
As a leader of health and wellness and suicide prevention in the construction industry, discovering new ways to ensure our employees are healthy, happy, and heard is a top priority at RK. From early addiction intervention to on-site wellness coaches, RK is facing the health and wellness issues of our employees head-on. It’s important that the construction industry continues to destigmatize mental health and addiction issues, and embrace any new strategies meant to support our employees.

Adjustment to Labor Shortage
Labor shortage in the construction industry has been an ongoing challenge for several years, but leaders in the industry are finding creative ways to offset the effects. RK is addressing the labor shortage with our successful apprenticeship program, in-house leadership and management training programs, incorporation of new technology, and  competitive wages. As an aging workforce approaches retirement, it’s important that construction companies begin to move into more forward-thinking policies and standards to entice today’s younger labor force.

There’s no true indication of how 2020’s construction trends will impact our industry, but the focus should always ensure profitability while also maintaining the health and wellness of employees. This new decade is an exciting time for the construction industry, and as it evolves, it’s imperative to stay up-to-date on products and services that will keep the industry competitive and successful.

Each year begins with a feeling of hope and optimism, an opportunity for us all to get a fresh start. To many this is a time to consider losing weight or exercising more. But, with 2020 just around the corner, consider adding a professional resolution to your list this year.

You probably already set goals at work, but goals and resolutions are not the same thing. Resolutions are more qualitative than quantitative, more of a mindset than meeting a specific target. They should feel more personal than a goal.

Here are some ideas for resolutions in the workplace:

Resolutions don’t need to be intimidating, just pick a realistic one that you believe in. Don’t think of it as something you will need to do forever. You are simply resolving to make a minor change right now, which may or may not turn into a long-term habit…only time will tell.

The holidays can be exhausting. But, getting some time to rest and relax during the season is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. Here are some ideas of how you can recharge, while still celebrating, from Entrepreneur magazine.

  1. SOLITUDE: Enjoy your time alone. Begin each morning by calmly clearing your mind and mentally preparing yourself for the day ahead.
  2. BREATH: It’s likely a family member will say or do something to get under your skin. When that happens, take a deep breath and think about how you want the rest of the day to go before reacting. If you have a negative response, that may linger with you (and those around you) for the rest of the day.
  3. GRATITUDE: Spread hugs and well wishes to those you are with, letting them know that you are grateful for them. Not only will it make them happy, but it will put you in a good mood too.
  4. GO OUTSIDE: Getting fresh air and taking a walk can lower your stress levels.
  5. REFLECT: Spend some time in the evening thinking about all the meaningful events of the day and the people who motivate and inspire you. This simple act can energize you.

So, do enjoy time with friends and family this holiday season, but don’t forget to take time for yourself too.

There is a facility management staffing shortage happening now. Although the number of available positions in the industry is growing, there is serious concern about finding skilled labor to fill the roles. Not only do employers need to attract new staff to meet the expanding demand, but they also need to think about the all of the vacancies that occur as older workers enter retirement. The average age of facility management workers is 51 years old.

The labor shortage is not just happening in the United States, but worldwide. The pool of workers is down due to younger workers pursuing careers that they perceive as higher status with lower unemployment rates and competition. According to a recent survey by the Manpower Group, 45 percent of all employers say they can’t find the skilled workers they need, and skilled trades ranks as the hardest to find skill set of all.

Unfortunately, this skilled labor shortage has led to many companies putting off regular facility system maintenance. These delays can cause many issues, including:

Although it is easy to overlook when understaffed, regular maintenance of facility systems not only saves money but also ensures safety.

So, what should facility managers do if they aren’t able to hire the skilled talent that they need? The best options involve working with skilled talent from a third party. Whether this means having someone brought in to train your existing internal team, or collaborating with them to handle specific things such as preventative maintenance, both can bring great benefits. RK Service offers both of these options and is happy to work with companies to figure out the right combination of training and maintenance to fit their needs.

RK Foundation

For over 50 years, RK has supported numerous non-profit and charitable organizations that improve the quality of life in our community. Since 2011, we have continued this proud tradition of philanthropy through the RK Foundation (RKF). We recycle scrap metal generated in our fabrication facilities and from projects across RK’s seven business units, and all funds generated support the work of the RK Foundation.

The RKF has granted $100k since January 2019 with a cumulative total of $1.39M to date! Each quarter, the RKF Board of Directors reviews grant applications and determines which organizations best align with our core advocacy areas of education, health and community development, as well as our mission to build better lives by strengthening communities and providing opportunities for those most in need. 

Some recent grant recipients include the Community College of Denver, Fisher House, Women’s Bean Project, Homes for Our Troops, CureSearch and Metropolitan State University of Denver.

RK Cares Foundation

The RK Cares Foundation serves as the philanthropic and corporate citizenship arm of RK, overseeing our employee volunteer program as well as the company’s community outreach and engagement. Each year, RK Cares volunteers participate in 10 – 12 group volunteer activities and give back to our community.


Additionally, RK Cares administers the newly established HERO Fund, which empowers RK employees to help reduce the burden when unexpected life events occur. The program officially launched in early September with a $25k donation from the RK Foundation. All donations collected are used to support RK employees, their families, and the community.

Feeling Inspired? Volunteering your time is the easiest thing you can do! Call your favorite local non-profit and ask them what you and your family can do to help.

Culture is the character of an organization. It’s the values, traditions, behaviors, interactions and attitudes displayed every day. Workplace culture is to an organization what personality is to an individual.

Positive workplace culture attracts talented people, affects happiness, engagement and satisfaction, while also improving performance. A company’s culture is influenced by everything from leadership and management to workplace policies, practices and people.

When looking to work for a company, the primary factors are often the company’s brand value and compensation to employees. While many believe these are enough to attract talent, work culture often plays an even bigger role in retaining good employees. Workplace culture makes some places great to work and other places miserable. It affects relationships between employees and leadership. This can mean the difference between working with each other for the common good of the company or arguing every step of the way.

A company’s culture is so important in bringing out the best in employees even during not-so-great times. Negativity not only crushes creativity and an employee’s will to perform but also stops the development of dedication to a company’s success.

When it comes down to it, humans are relatively simple beings. Working in a positive environment with a good culture affects the way we think and how we act with one another. So, make your workplace a positive one!

RK strives to create a rewarding workplace for employees by hosting several employee-focused events and recognition ceremonies throughout the year, check them out here.

September is National Suicide Awareness and Prevention month. As an employer of skilled trades professionals, one of the professions with a high rate of suicide, RK takes precautions to support and listen to our valued employees. To ensure our employees have a safe space, we have implemented certain initiatives.

Open Communication Culture

Often we find the male-dominated construction industry often has the false perception that individuals in the skilled trades must always appear “tough.” RK promotes a culture of open communication, and we encourage employees to express their opinions and emotions in productive, healthy ways. Employees can speak freely with managers and supervisors when they feel wronged or if something is troubling them. Managers and supervisors are also required to promote a healthy open door policy with their team so that all employees feel valued and heard.

Mental Wellness Toolbox Talks

Toolbox Talks are a staple of our weekly communications here at RK, and although personal safety is a top priority, we also hold specific toolbox talks to emphasize the importance of mental wellness. In these talks we not only address the high amount of addiction, depression, and suicides that plague the construction industry but also promote healthy coping skills to help employees navigate their way through their feelings. Employees are provided resources at these talks so that they can reach out for help if needed.

Suicide Prevention Training

All managers, supervisors and our wellness team have received suicide prevention training. These classes supply our upper management teams with the skills to effectively identify associates who may be struggling with suicidal thoughts or more severe mental health issues. RK understands that identifying suicidal warning signs early enough may prevent someone from taking their own life.

Wellness Coaches

RK has onsite wellness coaches that are available in our corporate locations and jobsites to check on and monitor the health and wellness of all employees. Coaches are trained to watch for associates who may be struggling personally or professionally to direct them to a licensed professional if needed. Our wellness staff also provides employees with alternative health and wellness recommendations that may help them to better cope with daily stressors.

RK values our employees and understands the importance of mental health and wellness. The construction industry’s high rate of suicide stems from mental health issues, addiction, and a constantly changing job market. RK works diligently to ensure all of our employees receive the best mental and physical healthcare available. If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide please call 1.800.273.8255.

By: RK Electrical

Pulling wire is a big part of being an electrician and having the right tools is essential. If the correct steps aren’t taken during the pull, it can lead to lost time and patience, and in some cases, needing to entirely replace the damaged wire from a failed pull.

Wire pulling equipment offers many benefits over hand pulling techniques. Here are some of the best reasons to make the switch.


Designed to get all electrical jobs done in the most convenient way, wire pulling machines and equipment are now in demand to complete a job smoothly. RK Electrical uses them daily to get our projects done efficiently and effectively.

By: RK

With warmer weather comes specific health challenges for skilled trades professionals. Often, workers are so focused on deadlines and completing work correctly, that they forget to take proper health precautions. Simple changes in your day-to-day routines can significantly better your health and also make you more effective on the jobsite.

Pack Protein

Working outside in scorching hot weather is difficult, but doing so without proper nutrition can lead to heat exhaustion and deadly mistakes. Eating fast food can drain your body of proper nutrients needed in order to sustain energy throughout the day. It’s important to pack your lunch full of protein like lean meats, protein bars, almonds and oats. Eating a healthy lunch will help you stay alert and give you more energy to complete your work in a timely, effective manner.


Staying hydrated on the jobsite is one of the easiest things you can do to keep yourself safe. Try filling your reusable water bottle halfway with water and freezing it the night before, so it keeps your water cold throughout the day. Standard hydration rules suggest you should drink one ounce of water for every pound you weigh, so keep those bottles filled up. And remember, fruits such as watermelon are full of water, so pack some of those for your mid-afternoon snack! If you find that your jobsite doesn’t have easily accessible water coolers, report the issue to your supervisor immediately.

Take Breaks

The construction industry has the stigma of working non-stop to get the job done, but companies are working to change that message. Breaks are needed, especially during the hot summer months, to avoid costly, deadly mistakes. Your body needs to rest every couple of hours, especially when working out in the elements. It’s imperative that you give your body a break, sit in the shade, and rehydrate. Plan your breaks out throughout the day, so you stick to your hydration and eating schedule.

Update Your Gear

Safety gear is essential on any jobsite, but the winter months can damage gear rapidly. Make sure you’re taking inventory of your summer gear and replace the damaged pieces with new items. You may also want to consider more summer friendly, safety approved gear to stay a bit cooler during those blistering hot days. And don’t forget, sunscreen should be a part of your protection regimen. Not only do sunburns hurt, but they can lead to skin cancer and massively deplete hydration.

Be Aware of Heat Stress

Heat stroke, exhaustion, cramps, and heat rash can negatively impact your health and they are preventable. Unfortunately, hundreds of people die every year from these illnesses. These conditions occur because the body is unable to cool itself properly. Extreme heat is defined as “summertime temperatures that are much hotter and/or humid than average.” The symptoms vary depending on the condition, so familiarize yourself and your coworkers with each condition and the warning signs. With effective education and safety precautions, you can prevent a serious health incident.