By: RK Service

Facilities management is the maintenance of buildings and equipment. It’s a complex and difficult job which is necessary to support and help improve the effectiveness of any business. Effective facilities management aids in providing a safe and efficient working environment; and contributes to the delivery of strategic and operational objectives.


Facilities teams often lack the appropriate resources needed in order to meet their facilities management goals. Many times they are overworked and can’t keep up with routine maintenance. They are too busy handling day to day duties and emergencies, requiring outside assistance in order to get back on track.


When companies need assistance reaching their facilities goals, they create a facilities management partnership. A strong partnership can formulate and realize the overall facilities management strategy. While there are many benefits to utilizing a facilities management partnership, these are the top five.

    Keeping tabs on each mechanical asset is a daunting task. Today, technology has enabled service providers to inventory and track all mechanical assets on a cloud-based platform with easy to use customer Warranty status, repair and maintenance history, upcoming scheduled events and EOL forecasts are all recorded and accessible from a single source.
    Are you haunted by budget planning season? Eliminate the element of surprise with your CFO by creating a ten-year budget plan based on asset life expectancy. The cost of repairs and replacement are inevitable, the surprise doesn’t need to be.
    Hiring additional full-time employees can be very time consuming and expensive. A facilities management partnership reduces your staffing needs by allowing you access to licensed engineers and technicians when you need them for significantly less money and headache.
    A facilities management partner will manage your ongoing maintenance schedule. Technicians will perform the maintenance tasks and supply you with a report of their findings, along with advice as to what should be done next.
    Find a trusted advisor who will be there when you need them. When situations arise that are outside of your skill set or you simply don’t have the coverage, a strong service partner will quickly mobilize for critical repairs and replacement.

RK Service is dedicated to maintaining an outstanding partnership in support of our clients. With our team of 80 technicians and 24-hour on-call emergency services, we are there for you when you need us the most. Utilizing our GPS-located vehicles, we’ll dispatch the nearest technician to assist you. Our diverse experience, dedicated account management and full MEP scope allow us to offer expert advice to companies looking to transform their current facilities services. A close and strategic partnership with us can limit risk and increase opportunities to add value. RK Service is backed by the power of RK, drawing on the knowledge of over 1,600 employees in a variety of trades. Contact us at to discuss your facilities management partnership needs and what we can do to help you reach your goals.

By: RK Service

Colorado is known for its severe spring and summer storms, and they typically include large hailstones. Hail forms when updrafts in thunderstorms pull rain up into frigid areas of the atmosphere where they freeze into ice pellets. When the storm can no longer support the weight of the hailstones or the updraft weakens, the hail falls to the ground. The larger the hailstones, the more damage they can do.

Hail can cause serious damage to a building’s roof or ground-mounted machinery and equipment. It often damages the facility’s condenser unit, reducing its ability to dissipate heat. This excess heat not only greatly reduces building efficiency and creates unhappy occupants, it is likely to cause the compressor and condenser fans to fail, resulting in much higher repair costs.

An RTU damaged in a major hail storm.


Contact RK Service at to conduct a free inspection of your rooftop or ground-mounted equipment, make any emergency repairs or replacements and help you prevent damage from the next storm. If you experienced additional hail damage to your roof or windows, our team can also connect you with other experienced and reputable contractors, getting you back in business as soon as possible.

By: RK Electrical


Have you been testing, cleaning and maintaining your equipment? Electrical Safety Month was created in the mid-1990s by Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) to raise awareness of potential electrical hazards and fire safety. This is a great time to remember the importance of regularly testing, cleaning and maintaining your equipment.

Electrical equipment is used in most businesses today, but they often don’t think about the potential hazards that come along with it. If improperly used or maintained, equipment can cause serious shock, burns or even death.

  1. Have a licensed, qualified heating technician regularly maintain your heating system and electrical equipment to prevent future problems.
  2. Routinely change heating system filters to keep air properly flowing.
  3. Verify that ground fault circuit interrupters are installed in areas near water, including bathrooms, kitchens, basements and outdoors.
  4. Do not overload outlets, electrical circuits or motors. If it feels hot, is making a strange noise, sparking or smoking, turn it off immediately. Do not turn back on until it has been repaired by a licensed technician.
  5. If an appliance appears to be damaged or repeatedly blows a fuse, unplug it and contact a technician for repair or replacement.
  6. Avoid using light bulbs that exceed the recommended wattage.
  7. Light switches that feel hot or spark should be immediately turned off and inspected by a qualified electrician.
  8. Make sure that all circuit breakers and fuses are properly labeled.
  9. Inspect extension cords for wear and tear frequently. Immediately replace any that show signs of damage.
  10. Do not run electrical cords through walking areas to avoid tripping hazards.

Training and preparation are some of the most important practices a business owner can implement to increase electrical safety. Workers should be properly educated to ensure a workplace that is safe and free from electrical hazards.

  1. In the case of an emergency, such as equipment malfunction or electrical fire, make sure that you know where the power source is and how to shut it off quickly.
  2. If a power or extension cord feels warm, unplug it. This is a sign that it is overloaded.
  3. Don’t use electrical appliances around wet areas. Also, be sure to dry your hands before using electrical appliances.
  4. Always unplug equipment by gripping the plug and not the cord.
  5. Never touch someone who has been electrocuted and is in contact with a live wire. Contact emergency services right away.

If you experience electrical issues, hiring a licensed electrician for repairs is the safest route. It is also important for a qualified technician to perform new installations and routine maintenance. Having a licensed professional examine your facility can help to identify potential risks and create a plan to fix the problems.

RK Electrical offers electrical installation, wiring, repair, system testing and cleaning, energy efficiency upgrades and more for all types and sizes of facilities. All our electrical services are performed to ensure your facility is safe and up to code. Contact us at to schedule electrical maintenance or repair.

Wind energy is growing across the United States, with nearly a quarter of the states producing 10 percent or more of their electricity from wind farms. Triple the amount produced just a few years ago.

Over the past decade, Colorado has doubled the number of wind turbines in the state to nearly 1,900. According to a report released by the U.S. Energy Information Administration, wind energy produced 14 percent of Colorado’s electricity in 2015 with more turbines planned for the near future.

Decreasing Emissions, One Blade at a Time

Wind power is a cleaner source of energy than fossil fuels, and because Colorado is one of the country’s leaders in wind energy production, it’s helping the state comply with the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. The plan was established to focus and take action on climate change by reducing carbon pollution. Wind power has grown both nationally and internationally in recent years and has drastically reduced carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.

According to the American Wind Energy Association, “Wind energy is leading the United States to a low-carbon future. Not only is wind energy reliable and affordable,” said Emily Williams, Senior Policy Analyst, “but it’s providing sustained emissions reductions in the sector that contributes the most to climate change, the power sector.” Each wind turbine avoids approximately 4,200 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, which is equal to taking 900 cars off the road. Multiply that by 1,900 wind turbines in Colorado alone and it’s like removing 1.75 million cars from our roads.

Technology Advancements Increase Production

Over the last 10 years, innovative technology breakthroughs have increased reliability, efficiency and capacity of wind turbines making them more affordable than ever.

Improved Weather Forecasting: Better forecasting has been a major factor in the increase of wind energy production. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration meteorologists examine the forecast for energy potential from wind and notify utility companies so that they can adjust the turbines to pull the maximum wind power.

Larger Turbine Blades: To continue the shift to cleaner energy, more wind has to be captured. One solution has been to increase the length of turbine blades by a few additional feet. This small increase could generate more than double the electricity. Taller towers and longer blades could make wind the leading producer of energy worldwide.

Better Gearbox Design: Improvements in gearbox design have reduced their maintenance costs and increased their lifespan, reliability and load sharing between gears.

Transmission Improvements: Energy is collected from the wind farms, typically in rural areas, and transported through large transmission lines to urban areas where the majority of electricity is used. The electricity then travels through smaller distribution lines delivering electricity directly into buildings. New technologies, such as Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) which increases ampacity, High-Temperature Low-Sag Conductors (HTLS) which doubles capacity load and Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) which enhances controllability and increases power transfer, have allowed for increased capacity within the transmission grid.

Job Growth for Colorado and Beyond

The wind energy sector currently employs nearly 90,000 Americans, with 300,000 more jobs expected by 2030. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wind Turbine Service Technician ranks as the fastest-growing occupation over the next decade. Wind energy is continuing to expand in Colorado, which will not only provide hundreds of new jobs to Coloradans but will also save energy customers money.

RK Steel has been assisting in the design, engineering and fabrication for the production and maintenance needs of one of the world’s leading wind turbine companies in Colorado. Some of our major projects in the wind energy sector have included custom-built shipping stands to steady blades during transportation on trucks and railroads, special lifting equipment tools and custom metal parts, such as those used to assemble the hubs of wind turbines. For more information about custom-built products that RK Steel can build for you, contact us at

By: RK Electrical 

What is Infrared Thermography?

Infrared thermography is the science of measuring temperature through detectors that are sensitive to infrared energy and displaying the result as an infrared image. All objects emit thermal energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. The hotter the object is, the more intense the infrared radiation emitted.

How Does it Work?

Most equipment failures experience a significant rise in temperature long before the failure occurs. Infrared thermography detects heat which can help identify deteriorating pieces of equipment before they fail.

With this technology, thermal information can be captured from operating equipment at a safe distance. This allows viewing of irregular temperature readings under normal operating conditions and the ability to pinpoint the problem before the equipment breaks down.

Infrared thermography is ideal for a wide range of situations because it does not require direct contact with the equipment. It is most useful in testing parts that are unable to be shut off, difficult to reach, hot, moving, dangerous or might be damaged through direct contact. Infrared cameras are also very helpful in detecting energy or moisture-related problems in a building.

Top 5 Benefits of Infrared Thermography
  1. Live Testing: Testing can be performed while equipment is functioning, reducing service disruption.
  2. Detects Defects and Increases Energy Efficiency: Quickly spotting defective areas of energy loss or excess moisture allows for a faster fix and better energy efficiency.
  3. More Effective Maintenance: By being able to pinpoint specific areas of need rather than testing every component, maintenance can be done more quickly and efficiently.
  4. Low Inventory Costs: Since infrared thermography spots areas that could become a problem before they do, parts can be ordered as needed.
  5. Real Time Results Reduce Downtime and Increase Safety: Using technology with predictive abilities and real-time recording allows companies to plan for maintenance shutdowns. This also keeps workers safe by preventing potential injuries from equipment failure.

RK Electrical uses infrared thermography to identify electrical problems, locate thermal patterns and detect hot spots in motors, breakers and switchgear enabling. We analyze this data to improve systems, enhance environmental comfort and increase building efficiency. Conserving energy in this way saves our customers money.  If you are interested in having our team inspect your equipment with infrared thermography, contact us at for more information.

By: RK Energy

After a painful two-year price war with The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the worst may finally be over for the American oil and gas industry. 2016 was one of the most difficult years for the U.S. domestic oil and natural gas industry, but 2017 seems to be taking a positive turn as the industry starts to pick itself up after years of low prices and massive layoffs—plus, surviving companies are now more sophisticated.

Companies that Survived the Down Turn are Doing More with Less

Low oil prices forced companies to figure out how to do more with less, relying on sophisticated technology and lower cost options for personnel and equipment.  These companies have cut their operating expenses in half, paid off debt and increased cash flow. If they continue boosting savings and modestly increasing production, oil companies could be on track to make money this year. In addition, corporate mergers and acquisitions are more attractive as lean and highly productive companies are valuable.

Drilling Rigs are Ramping Up

The excessive amount of oil available on the international market has gradually dissipated, leading the number of drilling rigs in the U.S. to ramp back up. Compared to other states, Colorado producers have weathered the downturn with almost double the drilling rigs currently operating from the low last May.

New Factors Affect Natural Gas Prices

Natural gas prices in the U.S. used to be determined by the seasons, with winter seeing the highest prices. Now that demand is coming from a number of new sources, the weather is no longer the determining factor.

One factor is that a transition from coal to natural gas for electricity generation has begun, driving demand up. The current surplus is above the five-year average, which will slowly strengthen price. However, the real improvement in the natural gas picture lies in the hands of the producing companies. If field efficiency and new technology continue to improve, operators will need to keep a balance between their revenue needs and long-term market trends.

Demand is also picking up through the transition from gasoline to liquid natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG) for vehicle fuel in both normal and hybrid engines. City buses and taxis are starting to use LNG and CNG along with large-end trucks.

Overall, companies that have weathered the downturn with increased efficiency and financial strength, are able to start operating drilling rigs that have been quiet for two years. Along with expanded uses for natural gas, 2017 is shaping up to be a stable and productive year for oil and gas companies.

RK Energy specializes in custom manufactured and skidded equipment for the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors in the oil and gas industry as well as renewable energy. We use advanced engineering, preconstruction and CAD modeling to fabricate skidded equipment for easy installation and maintenance in the field. If you’re looking to join the oil and gas industry revival, contact us at to discuss what RK Energy can do for you.

By: RK Mission Critical

The evolution of data center design has shifted from the traditional solution: expanding floor space to accommodate increased IT needs, to smaller component-based solutions. The two main component-based options are container-based and prefabricated modular (PFM) solutions.

Container-based data centers were the first generation of PFM data centers. Typically built using an intermodal-shipping container, they are limited by their size and construction. In comparison, PFM data centers are completely customizable to meet the needs of any organization.

The two designs share many similarities such as ease of deployment, the ability to add computing power on demand, energy efficient operation and some degree of prefabrication, but there are also many differences.

Comparison of the two models:

Container-based Data Centers
PFM Data Centers
Easily Deployed
Ability to Add Computing Power on Demand
Energy Efficient
Cohesive Design
Ample Space for Staff
Customizable to Fit Various Technologies
Highly Secure
Satisfy Mission Critical IT Needs

Prefabricated modular data centers are the best solution for growing companies. They take the best solutions for design, security and efficiency and bundle them together into an easily deployable package. The scalability of PFM data centers allows organizations to rapidly expand to match changing IT requirements. Organizations benefit by only paying for the amount of space they need when they need it, preserving capital expenditure, maximizing efficiency and resulting in a lower total cost of ownership.

RK Mission Critical is a top data center fabrication company for prefabricated modular data center solutions. Contact us for a free project consultation and additional information on the benefits of prefabricated construction at

By: RK Mission Critical


Since the late 1990s, when data centers became mainstream, to now, companies struggle with:

  1. Building their own data centers from the ground up
  2. Leasing space in an existing data center
  3. Buying or leasing an existing building and renovating it

Each of these options comes with some drawbacks. Companies that build their own data centers often experience sticker shock when they realize the hard costs involved, such as acquiring land in a suitable location, hiring an experienced construction team to build the facility and investing in the right mechanical, electrical and security systems. Weather and other construction-related delays often lead to budget overages and missed deadlines. In addition, executives have to make an educated guess as to how much capacity they will need over the next several years making growth or reduction difficult.

Organizations that outsource their data center needs don’t always fare better. Finding a data center provider in the right location is often a challenge. Some IT teams want their technology assets in close proximity to their organization’s headquarters. There are also concerns that moving to an outsourced data center means having to use pre-set technology and vendor services from the data center provider, making customization impossible.

Another challenge with outsourcing data center needs is that IT teams have very specific location requirements. For example, data centers should be located away from certain industrial operations or commercial flight patterns. Plus, not all data center providers are created equal, so finding an experienced partner with the right infrastructure and systems in place is also challenging.

Some enterprises lease or purchase existing buildings and perform tenant improvements to transform them into data centers. One benefit of this approach is that they don’t have to build the structure themselves, which saves money and shortens timelines. However, since these structures are not purpose-built to serve as data centers, there are often physical limitations that force the enterprise to compromise their standards. Finally, leasing a building exposes enterprises to rent increases as well as the possibility of being pushed out by their landlord.


Modular data centers, or what the industry often refers to as prefabricated modular (PFM) data centers, are the solution to traditional data center downfalls. Using the same technology and components found in traditional data centers, PFM data centers are constructed in a climate-controlled facility with mechanical and electrical systems integrated prior to shipment, as well as varying levels of the IT stack. The data center components are then transported to the customer site and assembled like building blocks that accelerate the construction schedule while providing potential cost savings. The resulting data centers are fully self-contained, weather-tight and only require utilities and network connections.

High costs, capacity and systems limitations found in traditional data centers have caused enterprises to turn to PFM data centers for their flexibility and scalability. Compute space, power and cooling are matched to current IT demands, so organizations only pay for the facilities they need at any time. And as IT demands change, modules can be added like building blocks. This keeps IT and facilities continually aligned without risk of over- or under-investing in data center resources. Finally, some PFM data centers are technology and vendor agnostic, so IT teams have the freedom to use any technology suppliers they choose without fear of vendor lock-in.

RK Mission Critical is an expert in prefabricating modular data centers. We construct the major components in our quality-controlled fabrication shop, then quickly assemble everything at the customer’s site. This not only accelerates the construction schedule but can also offer financial benefits over traditional construction. Contact us for a free consultation on the many benefits of prefabricated construction at

By: RK Steel

Steel canopies are durable, attractive, versatile and offer a convenient way to create a sheltered space. They can also provide significant cost savings as they only require concrete piers rather than full concrete slabs. Steel canopies can be built as freestanding structures or as add-ons to existing buildings and have a variety of uses.

Why Steel Canopies?
Wood canopies require significant ongoing maintenance and have been known to fail in severe storms. They can be costly to build and are not portable. Tent canopies can be great for a temporarily shaded space outdoors but lack durability and will quickly deteriorate after repeated exposure to the elements.

What Purposes Can Steel Canopies Serve?

RK Steel is an expert at fabricating and installing steel canopies for Balfour Beatty, Denver Transit Partners and the Regional Rail Stations providing protection from the elements for riders awaiting the next train. These particular canopies (pictured above) were 40′ long and installed as an assembly to reduce costs. RK Steel prefabricates canopies in a climate controlled shop to ensure that on-site installation will be smooth. Contact us at to discuss your steel canopy needs.

By: RK Electrical 

When you compare light-emitting diode (LED) lights to conventional lighting methods, you’ll find that LEDs are the smartest solution. LED light bulbs bring together positive and negative charges to create energy which is then released in the form of light. The result is a fast source of light that is instantaneous and reliable.

Top 10 Benefits of LED Lights:

  1. Long Life: LED lights have an exceptional life expectation. They can last up to 11 years with continuous operation, or 22 years with part-time operation. In other words, if you leave a LED light on for eight hours per day, it would take twenty years before needing replacement.
  2. Energy Efficient: LEDs are estimated to be up to 90% energy efficient when compared with traditional lighting sources. This means that nearly all of the electrical energy is converted to light, while a minimal amount is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat.
  3. Eco-Friendly: LED lights are free of toxic chemicals and are completely recyclable. Most conventional fluorescent light bulbs contain materials that are dangerous for the environment and are not recyclable.
  4. Minimal Emissions: LED lights produce little infrared light and close to no UV emissions, which makes them highly suitable for materials that are sensitive to heat. They are also great for UV-sensitive objects, such as those in museums, for example.
  5. Design Flexibility: LEDs can be combined in any shape to produce efficient lighting. They can be dimmed–resulting in a dynamic control of light, color and distribution–which can be used to affect mood.
  6. Focus: LEDs can be designed to focus their light to a specific location, but can also be used for multi-directional ambient lighting.
  7. Instant Light: Once turned on, LED lights come to full brightness without requiring time to warm-up. This is particularly helpful with traffic and signal lights.
  8. Unlimited Switching: LED lights can be switched on and off frequently without affecting their lifespan, emissions or instant brightness. Traditional lighting can take several seconds to reach full brightness and switching them off and on frequently reduces their life expectancy.
  9. Low-Voltage: A low-voltage power supply is sufficient for LED illumination, which makes them easy to use in outdoor settings with a solar-energy source. This is very useful in remote or rural areas.
  10. Durable: LEDs are extremely durable rugged and resistant to shock, vibrations, external impacts and extreme temperatures.

LED lights are available in a variety of colors, which makes them adaptable for use in almost any environment or lighting situation. They are offered in base colors such as red, green, blue and amber and can be blended together to produce millions of other color options as well.

RK Electrical can perform LED lighting retrofits on nearly any type of facility that will lower your energy usage and save on utility costs. Retrofits often yield utility company rebates and tax deduction incentives for building owners. Lighting upgrades in commercial facilities average a project payback period of a little over two years, with up to a 45% return on investment.

RK’s Energy Audit and Savings Program can also significantly decrease operating and equipment costs while increasing facility value. Our program includes:

Visit our web site for more information or contact us at to discuss your electrical needs.