Making a New Year’s Work Resolution

Each year begins with a feeling of hope and optimism, an opportunity for us all to get a fresh start. To many this is a time to consider losing weight or exercising more. But, with 2020 just around the corner, consider adding a professional resolution to your list this year.

You probably already set goals at work, but goals and resolutions are not the same thing. Resolutions are more qualitative than quantitative, more of a mindset than meeting a specific target. They should feel more personal than a goal.

Here are some ideas for resolutions in the workplace:

  • I will make work/life balance a priority this year, setting aside time for myself every day
  • I will take breaks
  • I will put my smartphone away while working to avoid distraction
  • I will improve my communication with coworkers
  • I will use my downtime to educate myself on something new
  • I will speak up and make my voice heard in meetings
  • I will make an effort to celebrate team successes regularly
  • I will eat healthier at work

Resolutions don’t need to be intimidating, just pick a realistic one that you believe in. Don’t think of it as something you will need to do forever. You are simply resolving to make a minor change right now, which may or may not turn into a long-term habit…only time will tell.