By: RK Service

Boilers are one of the most important pieces of equipment for facilities in many industries. They play a critical role in energy production and other industrial processes as well as provide comfortable working conditions in commercial buildings. Although proactive boiler maintenance improves efficiency and lowers costs, the primary benefit is peace of mind, something you simply can’t put a price on.

A Planned Maintenance Agreement for boiler systems helps prevent shutdowns. If a boiler breaks down, operations can grind to a halt and cause a loss in productivity. Proactive maintenance uses scientific techniques and analysis to predict and fix boiler problems before they arise. Maintenance reduces the stress a heating system undergoes during regular operation. A boiler can begin to develop corrosion and loose connections if it does not receive routine maintenance.

Here are some of the main benefits of a Planned Maintenance Agreement:

Some signs that your boiler may need servicing:

Startup, Shutdown and Layup: Under an Agreement, We Take Care of it!
Each year, when fall rolls around, specific procedures need to be followed prior to restarting a boiler that has been dormant for the summer months. The entire system should be checked over and operating procedures carefully reviewed by a service technician before putting the boiler back into operation. Proper startup is required to keep a boiler operating efficiently throughout the year.

A proper layup in the spring is also necessary for the protection of the boiler while in storage. The quality of a layup in spring will translate to the quality of the startup in fall. Startup, shutdown and layup and proactive maintenance throughout the year all contribute to keeping the system in good working condition.

RK Service can help provide you the peace of mind of knowing that your system is maintained properly throughout the year and will work when you need it most. Contact us at for more information or to schedule maintenance.

By: RK Service

Colorado residents are no strangers to hail damage. In fact, all of Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains (including the Front Range) is prone to frequent hail exceeding ¾ inches in diameter and up to golf ball-sized 1.75 inches. Hail this size can cause serious damage to roof or ground-mounted machinery and equipment. September and October are big months for hail, so now’s a good time to consider how to protect your equipment.

RK Service is often called to repair hail damage to rooftop HVAC system condenser units. Condensing units typically feature a coil made of copper (which has high thermal conductivity) that is covered with many thin aluminum fins (to provide high surface area). The condenser coil uses these copper coils and aluminum fins to dissipate heat from the building.  Hail damages the condenser unit by crushing the fins and denting the coils which reduce its ability to dissipate heat. This excess heat not only greatly reduces building efficiency, it is likely to cause the compressor and condenser fans to fail resulting in much higher repair costs.

Tips on Reducing Rooftop HVAC Hail Damage
Although RK Service can repair most hail damage, there are ways you can reduce or prevent it!

Assess equipment exposure: First, it’s a great idea to physically inspect all rooftop equipment to gauge its potential exposure to hail and other weather elements. If you’re not sure how to conduct an inspection, just ask us—RK Service will conduct an on-site inspection and alert you to potential problems.

Install hail guards: These are a good investment for protecting the longevity and energy efficiency of your equipment. If you don’t want to do the install yourself, RK Service can install them for you.

Perform planned maintenance to keep equipment free of dirt and debris: Don’t have the staff to do it yourself? RK Service performs routine inspection, cleaning and maintenance on rooftop condensers and can attest that a planned maintenance agreement will keep your equipment running longer and stronger—plus, no staffing headaches for you!

Already Hit by Hail? Work with a Service Repair Company that Knows Insurance
At RK Service, our service goes well beyond repairing hail damage. One of our most valuable services is interfacing with customers’ insurance companies to help them take full advantage of their premiums.

Make sure your service repair company is good at communicating with insurance companies: You want your service provider to represent you well, not cause additional problems. RK Service excels at getting the best out of insurers.

It’s ideal if your service repair company can help you identify other contractors: What if you also need roof repairs, or need to replace broken windows? RK Service can connect you with other reputable contractors that are also experienced at dealing with insurance agencies on your behalf. We can even coordinate other contractor’s work for you.

Choose One Provider that Knows your Equipment
When you choose one service company that offers prevention (such as hail guards), emergency repairs and on-going planned maintenance, you take advantage of a firm that knows your equipment inside and out and has the historical knowledge of your equipment to more accurately and quickly troubleshoot issues, resulting in repairs done right the first time. Contact RK Service at – we’ll conduct a free weather protection inspection of your rooftop or ground-mounted equipment, or make any emergency repairs that September hail may bring.

By: RK Service

When organizations plan their facilities maintenance budgets, drain cleaning and maintenance is often overlooked as most funds are allocated to HVAC, climate control and general plumbing.

For many businesses, once or twice a year is an acceptable schedule for drain maintenance. But for businesses that pass a lot of water or liquids on their floors, or for restaurants whose drains capture grease, drain maintenance is best performed quarterly because clean drains will help reduce the severity of future back-ups.

When too much stuff gets inserted down drains, they will back-up – this is an issue that can’t always be prevented in advance. However, planned maintenance CAN keep drains more clear and open year-round, helping them to pass more stuff through that could have otherwise caused a back-up.

Key components of a planned maintenance program for your drains.

  1. Get on a planned maintenance agreement to reduce issues:
    Organizations typically don’t know they have a drain problem until a drain is already backed up. While no company can prevent all back-ups, regular annual to quarterly drain maintenance will help keep lines clear to reduce the frequency or severity of back-ups.
  2. Restaurants: Schedule drain cleaning when you have grease traps pumped:
    Many restaurants have a maintenance agreement to have their grease traps pumped. This is an excellent time to remember to have your drains inspected and cleaned out too. Schedule a concurrent maintenance agreement for planned drain cleaning and get both done at the same time.
  3. Only hire a firm that’s capable of resolving the core issues:
    Lots of plumbing companies will clean out a drain, but they may not be able or willing to carefully inspect your drain systems to uncover and resolve the root causes of repeated problems. For example, our technicians are trained to use video cameras for line locates and to view lines for obstructions, corrosion or other issues. Then we can work toward improving the entire drain system.
  4. Find a firm with multiple capabilities so they can treat your facility holistically:
    Drain issues can uncover the need for more extensive plumbing or excavation work. RK Service offers a wide variety of services, including excavation, HVAC and more. If your drain issues point to other areas that need to be serviced, we can service them all with an intimate knowledge of all aspects of your facility and equipment.
  5. Why is planned maintenance important in addition to repairs as-needed?
    Outsourcing drain cleaning and annual to quarterly planned maintenance calls can ensure that maintenance occurs on regular schedule and is conducted in a thorough manner, and also helps drains function optimally to help avoid or reduce back-ups and other issues.

Questions? Contact RK Service at – We can answer any questions about your facility, drains and what steps you may need to take to improve their performance.

By: RK Service

People from the rest of the country may be starting to take their winter ski vacations in Colorado, but area business owners and facility managers need to keep their buildings safe and operating smoothly until spring returns.

RK Service professionals weighed in on the most important winter maintenance tasks for local businesses below.

Top Three Winter Maintenance To-Do’s

Inspect the HVAC System
Ensure that HVAC systems are ready to handle the demands of cold months. Have an expert inspect and optimize your HVAC system now. If your heating system has not been inspected and serviced recently, doing so right away may prevent unnecessary outages and emergency service calls during or after a storm. It will also ensure that employees and tenants stay warm no matter how low the temperatures drop.

Eliminate Heat Loss
“Gaps around louvers, doors and windows create pockets of freezing air that make their way throughout an entire building,” says RK Service technician, Don Pierce. The loss is compounded as heat escapes from these same areas. Every part of your building should be checked for leaks and cracks. General caulking around doors and windows will help seal out the winter air. Drafty areas near windows may indicate insulation inadequacies or freeze exposure issues.

Protect Water Pipes
Freezing weather can affect vital facility systems: sprinkler systems, fire pumps, heating and air conditioning equipment, boilers, steam piping and water tanks. Freezing in any part of your system can result in flooding, causing equipment damage and electrical dangers. The best way to avoid frozen pipes is to prepare your facility as early as possible. First, heating equipment needs to be serviced and in good repair so that optimal heating levels can be maintained at all times. The cause of frozen pipes is often insufficient interior heat due to equipment failure. Second, pipes should be inspected and insulated in exposed areas.

Call RK Service today to schedule an equipment maintenance call right away. Or let one of our experienced technicians perform a complete inspection of your facility and provide their top recommendations for your business. No matter where you are in Colorado, we have a local team that can you help you.

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