By: RK Steel
When it comes to choosing materials, steel is preferred among designers because it can be used to rapidly build economical, durable and safe structures. However, its downfall is the tendency to react with oxygen and water, causing corrosion.
Applying the correct protective coating to structural steel upon installation can give a steel frame a long life, limit corrosion and reduce ongoing maintenance needs. Older paint systems consisted of five or six coats but, in recent years, have been replaced by fewer coats of thicker film. These paints are composed of three main ingredients: pigments, binders and solvents. Each layer applied has a specific function.
Breaking Down the Layers
Primer is applied directly to clean steel, providing corrosion resistance and good adhesion to the subsequent layers. Intermediate coats help to build up the total film thickness; generally the thicker the coating, the longer the life of the steel. In addition, these layers decrease the permeability of oxygen and water, delaying moisture penetration and improving tensile strength. The finish coat not only gives the paint job the desired glossy appearance but also acts as the first line of defense against condensation, weather and sunlight. An additional stripe coat is often applied directly to welds, fasteners and external corners to bring the thickness in those areas to satisfactory levels.
Paint Application Methods
The method of application used can have a significant impact on the quality and durability of the coating. Airless spray is often used under controlled shop conditions. Brush, rollers and air spray are typically used for on-site application.
Temperature and humidity are the main conditions that affect the final paint job and can be more easily controlled under shop conditions. Air and steel temperature can affect how the solvent evaporates, as well as drying and curing times. Paints should not be applied when there is moisture present or if the humidity level is high. This can affect the overall paint application and drying time.
Metallic Coatings for Structural Steel
Hot-dipped galvanizing is sometimes applied to structural steel surface. It is a process that involves immersing the steel components into a bath of molten zinc, leaving the surface uniformly coated with more durability, abrasion resistance and increased protection. Since this requires a dipping process, there are obvious restrictions on the size of pieces that can be galvanized. However, when it can be used, it is a highly sustainable, producing minimal waste.
The primary quality of steel is its physical strength, or load-bearing capacity, which is generally long-lasting. It is only compromised by corrosion, adversely affecting the steel’s safety. The life of a structure depends on the rate of reaction to its environment, as well as the protective coatings applied. Corrosion protection must be applied from the onset to minimize this process, preventing or greatly reducing the rate of corrosion.
By: RK
Skilled trades professionals often have to provide quick solutions to unexpected problems, and industry leaders now understand that the utilization of new technology can increase efficiency. The days of lugging around heavy laptops to check the latest plans and printing, revising and distributing paper-based documentation are long gone. The aversion for new technologies has hindered construction industries growth possibilities for decades, but not anymore. These top three benefits of incorporating technology into jobsites can save your company money, jobs and time.
Increased Trust
In the past, the construction industry was slow to incorporate new technology into their daily routines, but after seeing the benefits first-hand, that trend is changing. Creating trust with customers and employees can be achieved simply by utilizing automated applications. With the replacement of email chains, Word docs and Excel spreadsheets for cloud and DropBox solutions, construction firms are seeing an increase in job productivity and stronger employee/client relationships. The increased use of elevated technology makes it easier to track job progression, employee productivity, version control and management of audit trails. This shift in thinking doesn’t just provide increased efficiency, but also sustainability – placing the control back in the hands of the user.
Lowered Risk
Safety first is a common industry theme, but sometimes potential hazards are missed. Using technology to create safer working conditions is useful even before the project begins. Simple tasks, such as filling out paperwork, can be replaced with a safety text reminder every single morning. This process followed by mandatory e-signatures via a mobile device are just a couple of examples of how changing small things makes massive impacts. Finding the right software for your safety needs not only saves time, but can also save your company money by shortening punch list completion times. It also allows project managers to stay on top of subs to complete all work in a timely manner.
Heightened Technological Comprehension
Taking advantage of the benefits of mobile technology can save time and money, but some industry leaders are still hesitant. This hesitation may be due to a lack of proper training practices. If your employees don’t understand or are unaware of the technology your company has access to, the tools to make jobs easier are useless. Training employees on how and when to use software and apps is an integral part of incorporating technology into their daily routine. Oftentimes employees can be overwhelmed by the adoption of new processes, but with proper training, these anxieties can be eliminated.
The incorporation of new technology on jobsites may seem daunting at first, but if done properly, the benefits outweigh the learning curve challenges. Make sure thorough research is completed prior to purchasing any software to be certain it fits all the needs of your corporation. Ask for demos and trials in order to allow your employees to provide much needed feedback. Asking for pros and cons from the employees who will be interacting with the apps/software daily will also open the lines of communication between upper management and skilled trades workers. Creating a more efficient process doesn’t occur overnight, but with proper engagement and roll-out, you will see rapid positive changes.
By: RK
Safety Week is a perfect opportunity to remind skilled tradespeople how important it is to be cautious when working at heights, one misstep can quickly turn into a deadly mistake. Construction workers face many hour-to-hour physical challenges on jobsites, and these tips can help to get you home to your families safe and sound.
Training is Key
Training employees on height safety is not only required by law, but lack of training can cause confusion and errors on jobsites. Falls are the leading cause of death on construction sites. Creating an environment where open dialogue is welcome and training is a primary focus may prevent employees from making life-altering mistakes. Additionally, ensure employees are briefed daily on height safety and any weather or additional worksite challenges they may face when in the field.
Use OSHA’s Hierarchy of Controls
Eliminate the hazard. If the piece of equipment or material you are working on is at heights, the hazard can be eliminated by moving the project ground level.
Substitution replaces any jobsite hazard that may put your health or the health of your coworkers at risk.
Engineering Controls (barricades, guardrails, etc.) should be installed and inspected on a regular basis. If for some reason the appropriate protections are not in place in areas where they are needed, report the issue to your supervisor.
Administrative Controls (signs, warning labels, etc.) change the way people work by visually reminding them of dangerous areas.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (gloves, glasses, etc.) are effective if used properly, but PPE is the least effective way of controlling hazards at heights. When working on elevated job sites, there is always a high potential of damage that can make the PPE ineffective.
Select and Inspect PPE
Personal protective equipment should always be worn on jobsites whether working on the ground or at elevated areas. Wearing ill-fitting, damaged or old protective gear while working can place your life at risk. Make sure you inspect your fall protection gear before each use and other PPE every morning before working. Thoroughly understand the proper protocol when you find an issue with your equipment and have a competent person inspect your gear to ensure it meets safety guidelines before heading to your section for the day.
Use Ladders Properly
For most of us, ladders are a familiar tool we use on the job and at home, but making the assumption that they can’t be dangerous because you’ve cleaned your gutters is a massive mistake. Ensuring that you know how to use a ladder properly is essential. Be certain never to use the top two rungs of a ladder and always keep your belt buckle between the vertical rails of the ladder. Also, make certain all debris and materials are not gathering at the bottom of the workspace; unnecessary rubble can cause additional accidents.
Know Fall Distance
OSHA standards require that workers “must have sufficient strength to withstand twice the potential impact energy of a worker free falling a distance of six feet or the free fall distance permitted by the system, whichever is less.” All anchorage points must also be able to withstand 5,000 pounds of force when subjected to a fall. If you’re unsure of the proper fall protection equipment to use, check with your supervisor immediately.
Staying safe when working at heights requires proper gear and more importantly paying attention to your surroundings. If at any time you feel unsafe, safely remove yourself from the location and use your “stop work authority” until the issues are resolved. Remember, you aren’t staying safe just because you were directed to do so, we also want you to get home to your family intact. These are just a few guidelines to keep you safe on jobsites, but you can find additional information here.
By: RK Service
Spring cleaning for drainage systems should be an annual practice for businesses. It can identify issues before they become major problems. As the weather becomes warmer, drains, pipes and equipment should be checked to make sure they aren’t damaged and are working properly.
Extreme winters can often lead to freezing and cracked pipes that reveal themselves in spring time. Tree roots are also known to cause damage to drainage systems in spring time and in areas with old buildings. Endless thirsty roots clog up sewer lines, often causing serious problems. Large trees need a lot of water and are drawn to any moisture they can find. If there is a pipe that is leaking or seeping water, the roots will wrap themselves around and inside of it. If there are substantial roots underground, a thorough cleaning should keep the drainage system clear for about a year.
While drain cleaning services can vary in prices, having to dig up and replace a sewer line that is beyond repair may cost up to 50 times more than maintenance. A commercial plumber can do a camera inspection of the pipes to find the exact location of the issue and alleviate the need for extensive excavation.
Perform these twelve tasks each spring to ensure that your drainage systems will remain in good working order throughout the year.
- Inspect pipes, faucets, drains and toilets for leaks or damage and repair as needed.
- Remove mineral deposits that have built up.
- Flush infrequently used drains, including floor drains.
- Snake slow-moving drains to remove clogs.
- Ensure that water heater temperature is no greater than 120°F to prevent scalding and reduce energy use.
- Drain several gallons of water from water heater tanks to remove corrosion-causing sediment.
- Replace water heater if it’s more than 15 years old.
- Exercise water supply valves under sinks and toilets to prevent them from sticking.
- Flush infrequently used drains. If the drains are slow they should be snaked.
- If there is a sump pump, make sure it operates properly by flushing the sump pit. The pump should quickly turn on, discharge the water then shut off.
- Install a backflow valve in the floor drain in areas where sewers back up, preventing future backups.
- Make sure yard drains, gutters and downspouts are cleaned out, open and free of debris.
Enlisting a commercial plumber to perform these tasks annually is a smart idea for restaurants, apartment buildings, high rises, office buildings, hospitals, medical facilities, nursing homes and other commercial businesses.
RK Service performs a full spectrum of drain services including high-pressure water jetting and cable cleaning to remove grease and debris from pipes, line locates to pinpoint exactly where the issue is and system assessment services. All of our services can be requested on-demand with our 24-hour emergency service or can be covered under a Planned Maintenance Agreement, optimizing building efficiency and reducing the frequency of drain emergencies.
By: RK Steel
The United States is the world’s largest importer of steel, importing approximately 35 million metric tons last year, which accounted for 33% of all steel used in the entire country. Nearly 60% of this total imported steel originates from five countries, 25% of which comes from Canada and Mexico.
Earlier this year, the Trump administration placed tariffs of 25% on steel imports and 10% on aluminum imports coming from various countries to the U.S. The goal of these tariffs is to incentivize U.S. companies to buy steel and aluminum from U.S. producers, with the idea being that this will make the domestic metal industry stronger.
What is a Tariff?
A tariff is a border tax or duty placed on a particular class of imports or exports. Tariffs have been used by governments since the 18th century. Originally, their main purpose was to raise revenue, now they are more often used in order to make foreign products less attractive to consumers; protecting domestic industries from competition.
Steel and Aluminum in the U.S. Construction Industry
Raw steel has many uses in the construction industry, including reinforcing steel in structural concrete, structural steel framing, miscellaneous metal framing and supports. Although the tariffs will affect all these, the single biggest impact will be on structural steel in steel framed buildings.
The cost of structural steel is typically composed of four main elements – raw material, fabrication, delivery and erection at the site. While the cost of these can vary over time and by geographic location, raw steel is typically around 30% of the total cost per ton of structural steel.
What Effect Do They Have?
For those involved in the construction industry, the tariffs raise direct and immediate issues. Contractors are often required to supply and use large quantities of various types of steel products. These tariffs present contractors with considerable uncertainty and financial risk.
These tariffs are a direct charge on imported steel and aluminum products, however, the effect of the tariffs is not limited to imported steel. Volatility is rising in the domestic steel market due to the anticipation of higher cost imported steel, as this will likely lead to an increased demand for domestic steel. The result has been a surge in domestic steel prices.
Challenges Facing Contractors Moving Forward
Contractors main concern will be in relation to price fluctuations between the time they submit a bid to when the contract is awarded. The most likely response to this heightened risk will be an inevitable increase in bid prices to cover the risk of fluctuation. In addition, they may add a clause which limits the amount of time a price can be held.
By: RK Energy
The process of oil and gas production creates millions of gallons of hazardous brine, also known as salt water, every day. This salt water contains various chemicals for extracting impurities out of the oil and gas and has an extremely high salt content, making it dangerous. As the purified oil and gas are brought to the surface during production, salt water is left behind and must be safely discarded.
Companies will often recycle the salt water first by injecting it back into the cistern to continue gathering any remaining oil or gas. Once finished, the salt water must be carefully discarded at a nearby salt water well disposal site or trucked to a well, which can be costly.
A salt water disposal well is a deep disposal site created specifically for the salt water byproduct of oil and gas production. The pipe leading to the well, which can be over a mile in depth, is encased in steel and surrounded by a protective cement layer to ensure containment. These extra protections are in place to ensure that the salt water doesn’t seep out and pollute the land, groundwater or other nearby water resources. Salt water disposal wells can be continually used for up to 15 years and are sealed off upon reaching capacity.
Prior to the 1970s, the oil and gas salt water byproduct was disposed of in whatever manner was cheapest. This meant that it was often released directly on the ground, leaving land riddled with salt scars as well as contaminating both surface water and groundwater.
Regulations for the disposal of salt water vary by state, but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now monitors the disposal of this substance closely. The Safe Water Drinking Act requires the EPA to maintain minimal federal requirements for the practice of salt water disposal and regularly report on them to ensure that surrounding land and water remains safe.
RK Energy specializes in custom solutions and field support services that are expertly engineered for the unique needs of the oil and gas industry. We build custom salt water disposal skids, like the one pictured, to fit each of our client’s specific needs. At RK Energy, we use advanced engineering, preconstruction services and CAD modeling for precision planning that streamlines the design and install of field site facilities and equipment.
By: RK Service
In recent years, service providers have started offering facilities management partnerships—a much more comprehensive level of operations management than a variety of one-time services. This type of partnership transcends standard service agreements.
An effective facilities management partner can help you achieve long-term business goals, including:
- Reduced operational expenses with a variable cost structure
A partner can evaluate your facility and make resource and cost adjustments as well as recommendations as market conditions change. They can offer scalable resources, technologies and specific expertise when needed.
- Peace-of-mind that only a top facilities management partner can provide
The technical skills and broad knowledge of an experienced partner allow access to the best service practices and technical capabilities available.
- Improved processes and boost in productivity
A partner can review your operations and offer recommendations to implement strategies that will boost productivity and reduce on-going overhead costs.
- Reassurance that your facilities services can expand as needed
As a business grows, a good partner can handle more and more responsibilities, allowing businesses to focus on long-term goals instead of daily facilities operations.
Facilities management partnerships are affordable and improve facility functionality. They also offer an increase in the ability to utilize the latest technologies, stay fully staffed, reduce overhead and enhance every aspect of business operations, boosting the bottom line.
RK Service is the leading MEP facilities management partner in the Rocky Mountain region. We’ll partner with you to find the best solutions for your business and leave you feeling confident in your decisions.
By: RK Water
The use of steam boilers for industries in the U.S. is essential, especially when you consider they are used in highly monitored industries including food and beverage processing, medical facilities, power generation and sanitation. One of the main components in a successfully functioning steam boiler is the quality of its feed water.
In order to ensure proper operation of steam boilers, high purity water is required. However, through years of experience, RK Water has discovered that the single biggest issue in nonfunctioning steam boilers is poor feed water pretreatment, or, in some instances, no pretreatment at all. This leads to much larger maintenance problems.
- Boiler failures result in operational downtime, repair and cleaning expenses
- Extensive scale deposits require more fuel for steam production
- Hot spots can cause boiler tube corrosion or failure
The evidence of poor pretreatment speaks volumes about the importance of having a scheduled service in place. A good boiler feed water treatment system will help you avoid costly plant downtime, expensive maintenance fees and boiler failures as a result of scaling, corrosion and pollutants in the boiler and downstream equipment.
If you suspect you are having issues with pretreatment, allow RK Water to take a sample of your feed water and run several tests to see what level of hardness is making it to your boiler. Our team can make recommendations, adjustments and even studies and analysis of your current system to see what best meets your needs.
By: RK Electrical
Prefabrication is rapidly growing and changing the construction industry, design and customization are major factors for its success. Prefabrication can offer more building options and greater flexibility than traditional construction including high performing thermal and acoustic walls, floors and ceilings with the use of durable and sustainable materials.
Prefabrication is relatively new in electrical construction but is rapidly increasing. As electricians begin to recognize the savings that prefabrication can provide, more are joining the ranks.
- Structural: Beams, columns and other structural components are manufactured to be easily transported and installed on the construction site.
- Panels: Elements such as insulation, utilities, waterproofing and cladding are designed to allow for rapid assembly and easy transportation.
- Modular Construction: Assembly of the factory-finished modules or products to form complete systems.
The concept is so versatile that it can meet the needs of a variety of industries including power and energy, oil and gas, residential and healthcare to name a few. The benefits of prefabrication and routine inspections by trained professionals in a clean and controlled environment have catapulted the evolution of prefabrication. Building information modeling (BIM) has also influenced the design and construction processes as well as cross-trade collaboration, enabling these types of projects to be built on a much larger scale.
- Smart benders allow a specific angle to be entered into the machine without having to calculate the spring-back on the conduit. This not only speeds up the process but also allows less experienced apprentices to perform custom bends with much less supervision.
- Automatic whip cutters are used to cut metal clad cable. They allow a 1,000 foot reel to be set up, a specific cutting length to be entered and the user to walk away while it performs all of the cuts. The old process required at least two people to perform the work. With this equipment, contractors are able to utilize their labor force in other important stages of the production process.
The future of prefabrication includes integrating with other trades and, at RK Electrical, we are embracing this collaboration. Our team is incorporating prefabricated electrical components such as wall rough-ins, panel builds and lighting packages into modular data center skids built by RK Mission Critical. We are also utilizing some of the newest innovative equipment on the market to get the jobs done.
By: RK Energy
In the summer of 2014, crude commodity prices were more than $100 a barrel. Since then, prices have dropped to $45 and stayed low for the last few years. While dozens of energy companies had to file for bankruptcy during the down turn, quite a few have made it through despite the low prices. What is the secret to their sustainability? The Denver Business Journal credits their survival to technology advancements, paying debt, cutting expenses and earning favorable margins at a lower cost per barrel.
Technology advancements significantly cut costs.
Technology advancements have cut drilling costs in half. Strategic companies are using the money saved on drilling to pay off debts and sell unneeded assets.
Private-equity investors are still keen on oil and gas.
Over $130 billion has been raised by investors, and due to the market’s high demand, they’re not going anywhere. They see the potential for big returns in the future.
New lending agreements negate the possibility of bankruptcy.
New lending agreements have fixed problems that popped up during the downturn. Companies can no longer receive cash advances before they reduce the value of their reserves or file for bankruptcy. Also, lists of assets used for collateral have expanded to include other property, company-owned bank accounts and underground reserves.
Through the adoption of advanced technologies and cutting expenses, many oil and gas companies in the Denver-Julesburg (D-J) Basin are expecting to pour over $2 billion into drilling in 2018, boosting output by 83{daeb8d662f58e4975bc93960761d671bdf0aa2ad049ea8a375d2717d280ef80b}, according to a recent Denver Post article. Even at $50 a barrel, the future is looking bright for the oil and gas industry.
RK Energy specializes in upstream and midstream production equipment, along with custom manufactured and skidded equipment for the oil and gas industry. We use advanced engineering, preconstruction and CAD modeling to fabricate skidded equipment for easy installation and maintenance in the field.