By: RK Mechanical

Working outside during the winter can leave construction workers susceptible to hypothermia, frostbite or trench foot, a decaying of the feet due to prolonged cold and wet conditions. In extreme cases, workers without proper personal protection equipment can also suffer shock that could even lead to death. Not only do workers need to stay warm and dry to prevent health risks, but it’s also important to eat properly, stay active and keep an eye on coworkers.

Productivity is often delayed due to harsh weather. So, work hours should be scheduled during the warmest part of the day. Below are some recommendations to stay warm, healthy and safe during the winter season.

Winter Clothing and Layering Reduce Injury Risks

Clothing should be selected to suit temperature, conditions, duration of the activity and location. Wearing proper clothing and layering can reduce sweating and the risk of injury. It’s best to avoid cotton material, as once it gets wet from rain, snow or sweat, it will begin to extract heat out of the body. Some alternate material choices are fleece, wool, Thinsulate, nylon and polypropylene. Weather can change rapidly, therefore it is important to plan and dress accordingly.

The top nine types of clothing to wear while working in the cold:

  1. Thermal insulated coveralls
  2. Thermal polyester underwear
  3. Fleece or wool liner for hard hat
  4. Insulated gloves, mittens should be worn for extreme temperatures below -17 degrees
  5. Wrap-around eye protection
  6. Scarves
  7. Thick socks: layer two pairs to stay warmer longer, but avoid a tight fit which restricts circulation
  8. Insulated boots
  9. Waterproof/windproof external layers

Warm Break Areas Help Re-energize

When spending long hours exposed to the elements, a warm area to rest will help workers warm up and re-energize. Breaks are of the utmost importance, but without a warm and comfortable place to rest, breaks can be useless. For long-term construction projects, setting up a warming shelter is a must. Temporary tents with portable heaters can be used for smaller projects.

Incorporate a Buddy System to Stay Safe

Avoid traveling or working on your own unless someone knows your route and estimated time of return. Workers in frigid weather can show signs of uncontrolled shivering, slurred speech and erratic behavior. Keep an eye on your peers to help them stay safe.

If a co-worker is showing early signs of Hypothermia, like uncontrollable shivering, apply these treatments to help:

If more severe signs are present, such as slurred speech or erratic behavior, call for emergency help right away. While waiting for help to arrive, provide warm drinks, extra layers and heating blankets, if available.

Hydration and Good Snacks are Important in the Winter

Save Your Skin from Freezing Temperatures

It’s especially important to stress these simple points to people who may not be accustomed to cold temperatures. Holding safety meetings to help workers identify the signs and symptoms of cold-related illness and injuries and training them how to prevent and treat these injuries can save lives.

At RK, we take safety seriously and empower our employees to stop work if unsafe conditions exist. We encourage our employees to take responsibility for their own safety, as well as that of those working alongside them. Working responsibly in cold weather is no exception.

RK assesses how every aspect of our work integrates to improve your project. From conception through completion, we streamline the process while maximizing value. The combined skill set of our seven business units makes us the region’s most powerful single source for mechanical contracting, custom manufacturing, steel fabrication, prefabricated construction, facilities services, electrical work and water treatment solutions. If you would like to know more about our safety procedures or have questions about what we can do for your business, contact us at

By: RK Energy

Colorado Resolution 35 is a quality program that applies to factory-built, non-residential structures. The Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing, Standards & Technology section enforces compliance with the standard.

A factory-built, non-residential structure is one that is designed for commercial, industrial or other non-residential use and is made, fabricated, formed or assembled in a manufacturing facility for installation or assembly and installation on a foundation at the building site.

All fabricated non-residential structures that are manufactured, sold or offered for sale in the State of Colorado must display the Colorado Resolution 35 quality program seal, which is issued by the state. This seal certifies that the structure has been constructed in compliance with applicable codes and regulations adopted by the State Housing Board. It is required even for small structures which would otherwise not be except to operate the controls or maintain equipment.

Failure to comply with the rules and regulations outlined in the program can result in a Prohibited Sale Notice and, possibly, a Red Tag Notice being posted on the applicable structure. These notices state that the structure may not be sold or moved without prior written approval from the Division of Housing. A Prohibited Sale Notice means that the structure contains a violation. A Red Tag Notice indicates that there is a life threatening violation present. In both cases, the structure must be corrected and re-inspected for a fee before the tags will be removed and the structures can be sold.

The Colorado Resolution 35 quality program is a useful plan for businesses that need more than a simple management system but less than full compliance with ISO:9001. The quality program for compliance with Colorado Resolution 35 is considered an intermediate construction-grade management system.

For information about how RK Energy can ensure that your factory-built, non-residential structures will comply with Colorado Resolution 35, contact us at

By: RK Water

The water treatment industry is evolving to reduce the use of chemical treatments and eliminate some products that are no longer viable given today’s environmental legislation as well as corporate sustainability initiatives. Facilities, as well as Facility Operators, need solutions to keep up with the times.

As government regulations continue to become more stringent, water treatment programs must adapt. New technologies that provide greener, safer and sustainable solutions are becoming more readily available to help meet these regulations. One such technology, the Silver Bullet® system, is gaining traction as a viable way to reduce traditional chemicals as well as kill microbiological agents through natural processes.

RK Water has achieved positive results, reducing liquid chemistry by over 80{daeb8d662f58e4975bc93960761d671bdf0aa2ad049ea8a375d2717d280ef80b}, using the Silver Bullet system with clients that are seeking sustainable water treatment solutions for HVAC evaporative cooling (comfort cooling) or process cooling, particularly in industries including high-tech, financial, education and government.

Corporate sustainability is a growing trend and now impacts many business decisions and purchases. Many big-name corporations, like Google, are ISO 14001 certified as well. ISO 14001 is a set of standards to help organizations minimize their impact on the environment during the process of how their products or services are produced.

Whether an organization’s goal is LEED points, reducing environmental impacts and carbon footprints or reducing water usage and waste, Silver Bullet can be a key component of a sustainability program. It can help a facility reduce biocides and large containers of inhibitor, and also reduce the logistics, transportation, storage and liability issues that are inherent with chemical-based water treatment.

If your facility has ever experienced a chemical spill or leak, you know how excruciating it can be to conduct a clean-up. It’s worth considering the Silver Bullet system as an add-on to your current water program. A water system with reduced chemicals not only helps achieve sustainability goals but is also safer for people.

If you have questions or want RK Water to conduct a water treatment evaluation to improve your entire water system and help your company go green faster, contact Dan Inman at

By: RK Electrical

Switchgear is the framework used for managing, protecting and isolating electrical circuits and equipment and includes things such as disconnect switches, fuses, circuit breakers, off-load isolators and more. It is high-powered electrical equipment which must be maintained properly in order to ensure a reliable electricity supply.

Switchgear Prevents System Damage and Service Interruptions
During normal operation, switchgear allows generators, transmission lines, distributors and other electrical equipment to switch on and off. However, when a short circuit occurs on any part of a power system, a strong current flows through the equipment, threatening damage and interruption of service. Switchgear is designed to detect these types of faults and disconnects the unhealthy section from the rest of the system to prevent further damage.

Testing, Inspection and Planned Maintenance Help Avoid Dangerous Risks
Malfunctioning switchgear can be dangerous. A blown circuit box can cause a power outage, resulting in downtime that may require a maintenance professional to repair or replace the equipment. Switchgear and breaker malfunctions can also cause major fires, explosions resulting in injury or facility closure. Therefore, switchgear testing, inspection and a planned maintenance program is essential. Switchgear which is labeled “maintenance-free” still requires testing and maintenance.

Identify Potential Issues by Cleaning and Torqueing Switchgear
By scheduling a planned system outage to clean and torque switchgear, your organization can help identify electrical issues, reveal flaws and reduce the risk of potential system failures. This process includes correcting any electrical drawing inconsistencies, torqueing connections, cleaning and inspection, performing tests, planned or unplanned repairs and system upgrades. It is recommended to perform this service every three years.

RK Electrical can perform switchgear maintenance operations and make repairs and adjustments to help you avoid emergency repairs. To schedule cleaning and torqueing maintenance for your switchgear contact us at

By: RK Steel

Did you know that China currently produces almost half the world’s steel? According to The Street, this is a large increase from the 10% they produced a decade ago. At that time, the U.S. was producing 14% of the world’s steel; now we only produce 4%.

For the past two decades, China has needed an abundance of steel for urbanization; constructing bridges, buildings and rail lines for its immense population. However, with China’s economic growth slowing down, its need for steel has followed suit. Similarly, the rest of the world’s demand for steel slowed due to a diminished global economy.

In an effort to keep its position as the top steel producer, China is now overproducing. In a single month, China produces enough steel for all of the cars made in the world last year. Nine out of the ten largest steel producers in China are state-owned. While these companies are selling steel at a loss, the Chinese government is subsidizing steel production and is demanding state-owned banks to regularly refinance the debt. This subsidy allows Chinese steel producers to export at lower prices than other countries, also known as dumping. Steel dumping has caused U.S. steel prices to drop by nearly half from 2014 to 2015.

While lower steel prices are good for buyers, they’re not good for producers. Dumping has impaired the steel industry worldwide. In recent years, many steel plants have been forced to close around the globe. The largest steel company in the U.S., U.S. Steel Corp., lost over a billion dollars in 2015 and reduced its workforce by a quarter.

There is no doubt that the U.S. steel industry has also been hurt by imports of steel from China. The U.S. passed a trade enforcement bill in March that resulted in a 266% tariff on steel imports from China. These tariffs have made Chinese steel too costly for U.S. buyers, resulting in less demand. However, these tariffs do offer a great benefit to U.S. steel producers who can now raise their own prices.

According to the Wall Street Journal, shares of U.S. Steel Corp. have more than doubled this year as domestic prices and mill utilization have climbed while imports of steel goods from trading partners have dropped by 34% this year.

Some argue that U.S. mills are taking advantage of the tight market and that the price hikes are too high and have happened too quickly. This is putting pressure on other industries within the U.S. who use steel to produce goods. Diminished inventories are now affecting the supply chain. Average delivery times have increased from 3 ½ weeks earlier this year to over 6 weeks. As a result, manufacturers that buy steel from U.S. mills say they are scrambling for steel to meet project deadlines.

America’s top two steel companies argue that prices have merely returned to normal, where they should be when steel is fairly traded.

The majority of materials that RK Steel purchases and utilizes are domestic-made. While our vendors do import some materials for miscellaneous and odd-sized items, they typically source their materials from mills within the U.S.

Our team of experts wants to know what you think! Are the U.S. imposed tariffs good for the overall U.S. economy? Contact RK Steel today at to further the discussion.

By: RK Mechanical

Large-scale construction requires collaboration across numerous disciplines. It’s rare to find a contractor who has the capability to perform multiple trades in-house. For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. From project conception to completion, construction teams must consider zoning, scheduling, budgeting, bidding, safety, transportation of materials, logistics and much more.

Trade-Specific Roles and Responsibilities

The architect designs and develops construction drawings including structural, electrical and mechanical requirements, interior design and lighting. Their final drawings are detailed and include specifications and materials for a construction manager to estimate the total cost of the project. During construction, they monitor work and submit new drawings if changes are made. They also prepare final acceptance documents at the completion of the project.

Construction engineers direct construction projects. They handle everything from the design of the construction project to making sure that everything is going as planned on-site.

General contractors are responsible for providing all of the necessary material, equipment, labor and services for the construction of the project. They typically hire special trade contractors to perform all or some of the work.

Mechanical contractors* install and maintain technologically advanced and energy-efficient HVAC, refrigeration, plumbing and piping systems. The following trades fall under mechanical contracting:

Plumbing: Plumbers install and maintain pipes and mechanical systems for water supply, gas, drainage, sewerage and HVAC systems.

Piping: Pipefitters fabricate, assemble, maintain and repair large high-pressure piping systems.

Sheet Metal: Sheet metal workers install HVAC ductwork and related work.

Construction laborers perform a variety of tasks from erecting and restoring structures, maintaining stormwater, drainage and sewerage systems to excavating, clearing and leveling sites. Laborers are skilled workers who are proficient with pneumatic tools, hand tools, blasting and smaller heavy equipment.

Carpenters and joiners construct, erect, install and renovate structures and fixtures made of wood, plywood, wallboard and other materials and cut, shape and fit the parts to form structures and fittings.

Electricians* specialize in electrical wiring of buildings and equipment. They design, assemble, install, test, diagnose and maintain electrical systems and equipment.

Glaziers are responsible for measuring, cutting, installing and removing glass for windows, doors, mirrors, shower doors, skylights, display cases, facades, interior walls, ceilings, tabletops and more.

Heavy equipment operators operate heavy machinery such as cranes, hoists, lifts and winches to lift, move and place materials, equipment and people onto building and construction sites.

Insulation installers are responsible for all insulating materials, protective coverings, coatings and finishes to mechanical systems.

Ironworkers* fabricate and erect structural steel and other metals as well as repair metal products using various welding techniques. They also position and secure reinforcing bars and mesh which are used to reinforce concrete.

Landscapers create or renovate outdoor spaces by planting lawns, flowers, trees and shrubs. They also construct hard landscaping features such as paths, patios and decks.

Masons are skilled in brick laying and concrete finishing which includes pouring and finishes concrete for floors, stairs, ramps, footpaths, bridges and more.

Painters are responsible for the painting and decorating of buildings which includes the application of paint, varnish or wallpaper to protect and decorate surfaces of structures.

Plasterers apply plaster and fix partitions, suspended ceilings, fire rating systems, acoustic tiles and apply decorative and protective coverings of plaster, cement and similar materials to the interiors and exteriors of structures.

Roofers specialize in roof construction including the application of materials such as tiles, sheets and shingles that weatherproof buildings.

Tilers lay various types of tiles on external and internal surfaces, such as walls and floors, to provide protective and decorative finishes.

With the large number of diverse trades that may be involved in a construction project, establishing collaboration is particularly important. All large commercial projects are likely to involve the coordination of complex information, procedures and systems.

RK gives construction, commercial and industrial customers a reliable, single source for mechanical and electrical contracting, custom manufacturing, steel fabrication, prefabricated buildings, facilities and equipment maintenance and water treatment solutions. For more information about what RK can do for your next construction project, contact

*RK has professionals who specialize in these fields that are available to collaborate with you on your next construction project.

By: RK Service

Boilers are one of the most important pieces of equipment for facilities in many industries. They play a critical role in energy production and other industrial processes as well as provide comfortable working conditions in commercial buildings. Although proactive boiler maintenance improves efficiency and lowers costs, the primary benefit is peace of mind, something you simply can’t put a price on.

A Planned Maintenance Agreement for boiler systems helps prevent shutdowns. If a boiler breaks down, operations can grind to a halt and cause a loss in productivity. Proactive maintenance uses scientific techniques and analysis to predict and fix boiler problems before they arise. Maintenance reduces the stress a heating system undergoes during regular operation. A boiler can begin to develop corrosion and loose connections if it does not receive routine maintenance.

Here are some of the main benefits of a Planned Maintenance Agreement:

Some signs that your boiler may need servicing:

Startup, Shutdown and Layup: Under an Agreement, We Take Care of it!
Each year, when fall rolls around, specific procedures need to be followed prior to restarting a boiler that has been dormant for the summer months. The entire system should be checked over and operating procedures carefully reviewed by a service technician before putting the boiler back into operation. Proper startup is required to keep a boiler operating efficiently throughout the year.

A proper layup in the spring is also necessary for the protection of the boiler while in storage. The quality of a layup in spring will translate to the quality of the startup in fall. Startup, shutdown and layup and proactive maintenance throughout the year all contribute to keeping the system in good working condition.

RK Service can help provide you the peace of mind of knowing that your system is maintained properly throughout the year and will work when you need it most. Contact us at for more information or to schedule maintenance.

By: RK Energy

When companies in the oil and gas industry need to keep a pipeline flowing, improve well production or neutralize corrosive substances, they use Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technology such as water injection. Water injection systems are typically skid-mounted. In other words, the equipment is permanently mounted in a frame or onto a metal pallet during the manufacturing process. Skid-mounted equipment allows for easy, secure and safe transport as a unit to the field.

How It Works

Water injection involves drilling injection wells into a reservoir and adding water to stimulate oil production. The water helps to increase pressure within the reservoir which, in turn, helps to move the oil. An added bonus to this technology is the reduction in emissions. Water injection cools the combustion temperature which limits the level of Nitrogen Oxide that is released.

Water injection wells are drilled or production well can be converted into injection wells. Water is then pumped into the reservoir or gravity can help move the liquid along the pipeline.

Various sources of water are used for water injection. Filtration and processing of the water is sometimes required to avoid materials clogging the pipeline and to prevent bacteria growth. In order to reduce corrosion within the reservoir oxygen is also often removed from the water.

Increased Oil Recovery

Whether water injection occurs after oil has been depleted from the reservoir or before production has been drained, the injection of water pushes remaining oil to production wells where it can be recovered. Normally only 30% of the oil in a reservoir can be extracted, but with water injection anywhere from 5% to 50% of the remaining oil can be recovered, greatly enhancing the productivity and economics of the development.

Methods of Water Injection

There are a number of techniques for determining where water-injection wells should be drilled and what patterns they should be drilled in. Here are some of the most popular drilling techniques and patterns:

Quality Fabrication

RK Energy specializes in all oil field related products and services and is proud to be the National leader in the fabrication of water injected skidded equipment. The ease of maintenance is considered in the design of every building that RK Energy fabricates. Each water injection skid includes a simplex or duplex charge pump with low Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) requirements, a filtering system, horizontal centrifugal water injection pumps, a flow transmitter and a flow metering valve. All parts are produced with stainless steel or coated carbon steel pipe. Water injection skids can also be built with enclosures for noise reduction and protection from the outdoor elements. Every enclosed building fabricated by RK Energy includes a North Dakota wiring certificate and is Colorado Resolution 35 compliant. Contact us at for more information or a free consultation.

By: RK Mechanical

Whether a project is large or small, there is always a skilled team building and installing the systems that make facilities safe, efficient and dependable. Today, many general contractors and subcontractors have a special projects team dedicated to projects that have a fast schedule or a sensitive working environment. All contractors define their special projects parameters differently.

Operating in Unique Conditions at a Fast Pace
Special projects have always been a large part of RK’s business. The RK Mechanical Special Projects group incorporates all aspects of mechanical construction and maintenance and provides the same preconstruction services as RK’s traditional Mechanical business unit, but typically in sensitive or occupied environments and almost always at a fast pace. RK defines a special project as one with unique criteria or size that requires ingenuity and construction excellence.

Pre-planning Regardless of Project Size
RK Mechanical’s Special Projects group believes that all projects should have careful pre-planning, such as budgeting, estimating and value engineering, regardless of their scope. The team provides insights on technology, design, building codes, energy standards, and changing market conditions in order to successfully lead and manage projects from start to finish. The group also uses tools like Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Building Information Modeling (BIM), as well as Design Build and Design Assist to ensure that projects are successful from the start.

$1,500 or $2 Million, 1 Day or 3 Years – They’re All Covered
RK Mechanical Special Projects’ contract values are generally around $2 million or less but can vary depending on the project. The majority of the work performed by the group is equipment refurbish and replacement or tenant improvements. The two main leading indicators of a special project is the need for a quick response time and speed to market. Project length can be anywhere from one day to multiple years, depending on the specific circumstances. The average duration for a project is around three months long. Although some projects can last multiple years, those are generally owner direct time and materials work.

A Strong Team is a Great Asset
The RK Mechanical Special Projects group is run by two operations managers, Jim Martin and Mark Rawlings.  There are a total of five project managers, eight project engineers, five estimators, a project/estimating coordinator, a project accountant and two dedicated account executives. The group is fully staffed to work on any design build, design assist or hard bid project.

Project owners can expect friendly service, commitment, experience and responsiveness from the RK Mechanical Special Projects team with the financial strength and buying power of an established, award-winning company. For more information about RK Mechanical Special Projects’ capabilities contact us at

By: RK Service

Colorado residents are no strangers to hail damage. In fact, all of Colorado east of the Rocky Mountains (including the Front Range) is prone to frequent hail exceeding ¾ inches in diameter and up to golf ball-sized 1.75 inches. Hail this size can cause serious damage to roof or ground-mounted machinery and equipment. September and October are big months for hail, so now’s a good time to consider how to protect your equipment.

RK Service is often called to repair hail damage to rooftop HVAC system condenser units. Condensing units typically feature a coil made of copper (which has high thermal conductivity) that is covered with many thin aluminum fins (to provide high surface area). The condenser coil uses these copper coils and aluminum fins to dissipate heat from the building.  Hail damages the condenser unit by crushing the fins and denting the coils which reduce its ability to dissipate heat. This excess heat not only greatly reduces building efficiency, it is likely to cause the compressor and condenser fans to fail resulting in much higher repair costs.

Tips on Reducing Rooftop HVAC Hail Damage
Although RK Service can repair most hail damage, there are ways you can reduce or prevent it!

Assess equipment exposure: First, it’s a great idea to physically inspect all rooftop equipment to gauge its potential exposure to hail and other weather elements. If you’re not sure how to conduct an inspection, just ask us—RK Service will conduct an on-site inspection and alert you to potential problems.

Install hail guards: These are a good investment for protecting the longevity and energy efficiency of your equipment. If you don’t want to do the install yourself, RK Service can install them for you.

Perform planned maintenance to keep equipment free of dirt and debris: Don’t have the staff to do it yourself? RK Service performs routine inspection, cleaning and maintenance on rooftop condensers and can attest that a planned maintenance agreement will keep your equipment running longer and stronger—plus, no staffing headaches for you!

Already Hit by Hail? Work with a Service Repair Company that Knows Insurance
At RK Service, our service goes well beyond repairing hail damage. One of our most valuable services is interfacing with customers’ insurance companies to help them take full advantage of their premiums.

Make sure your service repair company is good at communicating with insurance companies: You want your service provider to represent you well, not cause additional problems. RK Service excels at getting the best out of insurers.

It’s ideal if your service repair company can help you identify other contractors: What if you also need roof repairs, or need to replace broken windows? RK Service can connect you with other reputable contractors that are also experienced at dealing with insurance agencies on your behalf. We can even coordinate other contractor’s work for you.

Choose One Provider that Knows your Equipment
When you choose one service company that offers prevention (such as hail guards), emergency repairs and on-going planned maintenance, you take advantage of a firm that knows your equipment inside and out and has the historical knowledge of your equipment to more accurately and quickly troubleshoot issues, resulting in repairs done right the first time. Contact RK Service at – we’ll conduct a free weather protection inspection of your rooftop or ground-mounted equipment, or make any emergency repairs that September hail may bring.