The White Wave Foods project was a single story tenant improvement project within a recently built core & shell. White Waves was previously headquartered in Superior, but outgrew their facility, creating the need to build out a new facility. The new project included office space, various types of R&D food laboratories, clean rooms, product laboratories, pilot plant, and a culinary kitchen & innovation presentation space to showcase their products to external customers. This facility if the primary R&D laboratory for new products for White Wave Foods. White Wave Foods pioneered Horizon, Silk, So Delicious, Alpro, Vega™, Earthbound Farm and International Delight brands.
RK performed extensive preconstruction services to maintain the initial budget requirements, while providing the high-end facility White Waves expected. We then performed CAD coordination. We performed HVAC wet/dry, and plumbing, including various gas services and RO/DI water service. Our peak crew size was approx. 30 across all trades. The heating system is from a central plant utilizing (2) boilers. The cooling is served by various rooftop air handling units. In the laboratories, we installed various hoods and up-blast fans to provide a safe working environment in the various laboratories, which included strict air pressure differential controls from room to room.